Once you gain the knowledge, fearless success is yours.

Minimise your risk.
Protect your future.
Start your rise.


Book Description - When you feel safe and protected, anything is possible.

Law for Online Entrepreneurs is the legal handbook to help you step into your power freely with the confidence to make the important decisions you need to scale your business. 

A long term successful business needs solid legal foundations and this book offers simple and strategic explanations on key legal principles around setting up, protecting and scaling your business.

It’s time to find your strength and rise, with the confidence that you have the protection you need to be limitless.

Minimise your risk.  Protect your future.  Start your rise.

You are the most important part of your business and You’re just one step away from total legal and brand protection.

Once you gain the knowledge fearless success is yours.

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Joanne Fisher is a business lawyer specialising in legal and brand protection for high earning, female entrepreneurs, and the founder of Get Legal Online™

It doesn’t matter where we’re from, or how we started or even what we’ve been through, we all have the right to have it all and to feel safe and protected while we have it.  To never feel like we need to fight for our own security.


Her mission is, to pathe the way for women to stop feeling like they’re always fighting to get back up, and to stop feeling a need to prove themselves repeatedly.  We don’t need to take a back seat and let others shine.


We can have all that we want.

We can be all we ever wanted to be.

We can be more.

We may need to push through obstacles and barriers to make that happen, but when we feel supported, protected, and heard that no longer feels as scary, or intimidating.

She’s been there, seen it, and lived it. Having fought to prove herself as a lawyer in the corporate world for 20 years, never really fitting in and being forced into a box that just wasn’t her. Since leaving that world she’s met and worked with so many incredible entrepreneurs who feel those same feelings and hold themselves back because they’ve been pushed down in the past.

The community of female entrepreneurs online inspires her every single day. Helping women to harness and share their talent fulfils her like the corporate world never could.

Because when you have the right processes, contracts and documents you will feel ready to put yourself out there. Ready to push through the fear and create the life you want, setting you up for success like never before.

When you feel safe and protected anything is possible . . .